Faith to Move a Mountain

In November of 2011, I started this blog as a sort of journal to chronicle the events of our son Quinton's adoption. Quinton is a little boy who was born with an extra special something. Quinton has down syndrome and was given up at birth by his parents because he has down syndrome. His birth parents must not have had any idea what a blessing he would be or I am sure they would not have given him up. Unfortunately in Eastern Europe (Quinton is from Ukraine) people with disabilities are not accepted in society and at the age of 4-6, they are sent to adult mental institutions where most of them die :( Although it breaks my heart that his parents have missed out on such a joyful little boy, God has used this unfortunate situation to bless us with a gift greater than I could have ever imagined: the gift of our first child. If you ever considered adoption-do it! Don't let money deter you. God provided over $20,000 for us to adopt Quinton. We were not fully funded until 50 minutes before we boarded our plane to Ukraine. If you have never considered adoption, go back to the beginning of this blog and read. You will see what a blessing adoption really is. Many people tell us that we are angels for rescuing Quinton, but the honest truth is this: Quinton has given me far more that I will ever be able to give him. He is my little miracle, my silly bug, my baby boy, my love. HE IS MY LIFE!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Silly Post

If you've been reading this blog and have had trouble seeing the videos, try using google chrome instead of internet explorer. I am not sure if it will help or not, but google chrome seems to allow readers to leave comments when explorer won't so it's worth a try.

Today was a whole bunch of the same. For our sanity, we decided to call a driver to take us into the city. We went to a baby store and picked up a few things for Quinton since most of what we brought with us was too big. Then we went out to dinner. I was so tired of cooking (although I can't complain too much because we have saved so much money by cooking and walking to the orphanage every day). It was just a change of pace for us and I am very grateful for the opportunity. The pictures I took today were very silly for the most part and will perhaps give you an idea of just how bored we were. It is getting late so I will end with pictures for the Grandparents who look for them every day and perhaps tomorrow I will blog a little bit about our outing tonight :)

Yep...those are my feet up in the air. Do you like my flip flop tan?

 Yep...that's Brian's sideways ear. Why? I have no idea. That's what boredom will do to ya LOL.

 I'm even making faces with a sleeping baby.

 So sweet

He didn't really care for this game, but oh well. Whatcha gonna do?

Countdown to Gotcha Day: 10 days! (Tomorrow we are in single digits!!)

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